Physical Addresses

The Physical Addresses page displays the current address information for you (or the provided licensee). This information is organized into three columns by type (Home, Business, and Mailing), and if multiple addresses exist, it is further organized alphabetically by state within each column:



Unless prevented by relevant state rules, you can add a new address, edit an existing address, and assign or unassign a state to a specific address.


For details about options and actions on this page, please refer to Edit/Update Contact Information Common Features.


From this page, you can use the Back or Next buttons to return to the Contact Change Menu.


Please Note: Only US addresses are allowed on this page.


Address Variations

Every address provided is a unique address associated with at least one license held by you or the provided licensee and held on the PDB.


As a result, the same address may be displayed multiple times if it was entered multiple times with variations in its information, such as:




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