Instructions for Producer


·         Recommend use of “Back” button provided in the application.  Browser “Back” button may not work in all instances.

Click on a link below for more information (link not yet established)

1.   Producer/Authorized Submitter Sign-In

2.   View previously entered information or documentation

3.   Add information to identify a new Reporting of Action

4.   Add a document to a Reporting of Action

5.   Pay for session to save documents uploaded in the session

6.   Add additional documents to a Reporting of Action

7.   Attach an existing Report of Action to a background question

8.   Provide contact Information

9.   End Session

10. Glossary


1.  Producer/Authorized Submitter Sign-in    


Link on NIPR website  need location (assume NIPR web page)


Step 1:

Accept the Use Agreement

  • “Accept” Button – continues to sign-in
  • “Decline” Button – returns user to NIPR web page

Step 2:

Select one of the following methods to sign-in.

  • Individual and Agency sign-in with National Producer Number (NPN) (Defaults to this selection)
  • Agency sign-in with FEIN and Firm Name.


Complete fields for sign-in option selected.  Note following:

  • Current requirement for Firm name is same as shown on PDB.  Needs to be changed to be same as I-site requirements with more flexability.
  • Individual Producers and some Agency Producers can find the NPN using the “NATIONAL PRODUCER NUMBER (NPN)” search link.


Click on “Sign-In” button to complete login


Click on “Reset” button to delete login information

Step 3:

Information and document listing

  • The screen will display your information at the top.
  • Any Reporting of Actions previously submitted will be listed.
  • Any documents you have attached in a paid session will be listed. 


  • You will not be able to delete or edit the document or descriptions.


  • You may click on the link to a Reporting of Action or a document to view additional information.


2.  View previously entered information or documentation.  All Reporting of Actions and documents previously submitted for the Producer through Notifications and Reporting of Actions and Attachments Warehouse should be displayed on the Submissions Listing page. 

Step 1:

Producer/Authorized Submitter signs in

Step 2:

Application type – Reporting of Actions

  • View previous Reporting of Action - Click on a specific action or background question under “In Response to” column to review previous action.  Information about the Reporting of Action will be displayed as well as links to all associated documents.  Links will be displayed to documents for this Reporting of Action.


  • View Document - Click on a specific document in the “Link to Document” column to go directly to the document.


Application type - Licensing

  • View Background Question – Click on link to specific background question.


  • View Document – Click on a specific document in the “Link to Document” column to go directly to the document.



3.  Add information to identify a new Reporting of Action

Step 1:

Producer/Authorized Submitter signs in

Step 2:

Click on button “Add New Reporting of Action” to add information for a new Reporting of Action.

Step 3:


  • Accept Attestation – continues to Edit Producer Contact Details page
  • Decline Attestation – returns user to Submissions Listing page

Step 4:

Verify/Update contact information

  • “Update” to add/change information
  • “Back” to return to Submissions Listing page
  • “Continue” to add a new Reporting of Action

Step 5:

Provide details for Action and Identify Producer/Authorized Submitter

a. Choose the category that will apply to the new document. (Required)

  • Civil Action – non-criminal adjudication by a judiciary toward a producer
  • Administrative – adjudicated action by a regulatory body toward a producer
  • Criminal Action – criminal adjudication by a judiciary toward a producer


b. State(s) displayed in which producer has active license(s) on PDB. (Auto



c. Complete “Date of Action”. (Required) This would be the date the

    adjudication was made (final determination of the action).  Future dates

    are not allowed.  Date must be in the format shown.


d. Complete “Description of Action” to describe the action that was taken

    against you. (Required) The maximum limit is 800 characters including

    spaces and punctuation. If documentation is not being submitted at this time

    please explain

    the reason and describe the action in detail. (You will later have an

    opportunity to add a description to each document that you submit.)  The

    “Description of Action” can not be modified after submittal.


e. Identify submitter of the document. All of this contact information will be

   available for the State regulators to use to contact you.

  • if you are the producer click the “Producer” button. 
  • If you are the authorized submitter for this producer, click the “Authorized Submitter” button and fill in the contact information.


f.  Click on “Save Reporting of Action and Continue” button to continue to

    the document attachment screen.  An email will be sent to the producer to provide

    a “Report of a change to your NIPR Reporting of Actions account”.


g.  Click on “Back” button to return to the list of Submission Listing without submitting

     the reporting of action. 


4.  Add document to a Reporting of Action

Step 1:

Clicking on “Save Reporting of Action and Continue” button after submitting a Reporting of Action will display the upload screen:


a. Enter a description of the document to be uploaded into “Document

    Description by Producer”.  (Required).  The maximum limit is 250

    characters including spaces. The “Document Description by Producer” can

    not be modified after submittal.


b. Click on the “Browse” button.  This will display the directory on your hard

    drive. Select which file you want to add.  You can only add one file at a



c. Verify that the document shown is the one you want to submit.


d. Click on the “Attach” button.


e.  The same screen will come back displaying the newly added document in

    “Documents uploaded”.

Step 2:

Enter additional documents for the same Reporting of Action.

Repeat Step 4 above until all documents have been entered


Note:  Session must be paid before leaving this update screen or document upload is cancelled.  Documents can be added to other Reporting of Actions after session payment has been made.


5.  Pay for Session to save documents uploaded in the session.  Reporting of Actions submitted during a session will be saved without a required payment.

Step 1:

Pay for Session with Credit Card

Enter all Credit Card Information

Verify authorization to use credit card by clicking box by “Yes”

Click on “Continue” button to complete payment

Click on “Back” button to return to the previous screen

Click on “Reset” button to clear information entered


Step 2:

Confirm the credit card information and click “Submit Payment” button – only ONCE.

Wait for the credit card authorization

  • Click on “OK” button to continue
  • Click on ‘Cancel” button to cancel credit card payment


Step 3:

After the credit card payment as been accepted your receipt will display.  We recommend that you print this page as your record of the payment.  Payment is only required once per session and the payment screen will not be displayed again once payment has been accepted in a session.

Click on “Continue” button to proceed to ???

Step 4:

You will be returned to the screen described in Step 2.

The new Reporting of Action is identified by the Category name and Date of Action. Links are displayed to all documents submitted.


6.  Add additional documents to a Reporting of Action

Step 1:

Producer/Authorized Submitter signs in

Step 2:

User clicks the existing Reporting of Action (“In Response to” column) for which he needs to add an additional document from the list displayed.

Step 3:

The complete details of the Reporting of Action selected will be displayed.  Click on the button “Continue to add more documents”.

Step 4:

a. Identify who is submitting the document. All of the contact information will be

   available for the State regulators to use to contact you.

  • if you are the producer click the “Producer” button. 
  • If you are the authorized submitter for this producer, click the “Authorized Submitter” button and fill in the contact information.


b. Enter a description of the Document.  The maximum limit is 250 characters

    including spaces.


c. Click on the “Browse” button.  This will display the directory on your hard drive.

    Select which file you want to add.  You can only add one file at a time.


d. Verify that the document shown is the one you want to submit.


e. Click on the “Submit” button.


f.  The same screen will come back displaying the newly added document in

    “Documents uploaded” and the submitter information.


7.  Attach an existing Report of Action to a background question

Step 1:

Producer Logs in or is logged in and on the screen with the document list.

Step 2:

Producer clicks on the link to the document (“Link to Document” column) that needs to be associated to a background question in a license application.

Step 3:

Producer selects the background question(s) to which he needs to associate this document.

Click on the “Submit” button

Step 4:

Producer will be returned to the document list screen. 

Step 5:

To view the exact details of Reporting of Action, click on the link for “Administrative Notice Details”


8.  Provide Contact Information

Step 1:

Click on “Producer Contact” button at the top of the page

Step 2:

Click on “Edit” button if changes/additions are to be made

Step 3:

  • Make Changes.  Click on “Update” button
  • Click on “Cancel” to return to previous page

Step 4:

Click on “Back” button to return to “Submissions Listing”

Step 5:



9.  End Session

Step 1:

Click on the “Logout” button on the top right of any page (Preferred)

Step 2:

Close browser


10.  Glossary