To change a state’s address you may drag and drop the state icon to the desired address box.
Figure 19
To move several states at once – hold Ctrl key while selecting the states with the mouse button, then click and drag them to the new address and release the button.
Figure 20
For more information on how to drag and drop, please visit this link: Drag n' Drop.
Note: You may not drag and drop states across the columns (i.e. from Home Address to Business Address).
Note: Addresses are edited for standard post office address terms and verified against the USPS database of accepted addresses. State business rules are applied.
States that are moved successfully to this address will become green and pre-pended with a plus sign .
Note: When you move states to an address, that address will be standardized and verified to USPS database of accepted addresses, and thus, even the states that were previously assigned to that address will become green.
When you assign states to an address, the address box might move down in the column. Address boxes are displayed in the following order: Resident State address, Designated Home state address, and all other states addresses in the alphabetical order.
To move all states to one address click button. All states where the licensee has license will be assigned to this address, with the exception of the states displayed under the “States that do not collect this type of address” section.
Note: The address will be standardized to the USPS requirements and validated against the state business rules of the states that are moved to this address.
States that are moved successfully to this address will become green and pre-pended with a plus sign .
For the states that the address does not pass validation, error messages will display. Resident (Home), Business or Mailing at the end of the error message indicates what type of address was validated.
Figure 21
You may:
Click Confirm to accept the changes for the states that passed, for states that did not pass the address will remain unchanged;
Update address to meet the state requirements and click Confirm to try again;
Click Cancel and no changes will be made.
If you have multiple Resident States you might not be able to move all the states to one address.
When you are done updating your email information, click to go to the menu page.
This action failed for the following reasons:
The address given could not be found in the USPS database
Use the USPS Zip Code Look Up service to verify your address.
If you still cannot find your address, please contact NIPR customer service.
This action failed for the following reasons:
It would be invalid for some states involved
Specific states and violated rules will be displayed in the Error Message.